
Saturday Morning

Cory and I have been married for about 22 months, and I am just starting our blog. I had one started last September, but I never got it up and going. We just started our Fall semester in Rexburg Idaho, and Fall is definitely in the air. The days are still pretty warm, but the nights are getting really cold!
Today is the first official Saturday of the semester. (since we started on a Thursday, I didn't count the last one) This is my last semester of school YEAH! I am studying Elementary Education, so I still have to do student teaching, but I am going to march at graduation in December. I am going to do my student teaching in Utah though because Cory is transferring to BYU. He is studying Chemical Engineering and they do not offer that here at BUY-Idaho. We are so excited to move in December. It will be a fun new adventure for us, but we will also miss our families very much! Mostly mine because a lot of Cory's family now lives in Utah.