
Harry Potter

So I just finished the 6th Harry Potter book! I tried to read them all over our summer break, but that didn't quite happen. I have to admit that I did not read much my first few years of college, but Harry Potter has renewed my love. It is hard to get yourself to do something for enjoyment, when it is the only thing you are doing for 3-5 hours a day for classes. Harry Potter has a very soft little spot in my heart! I found myself in sacrament meeting imagining the speaker with a wand to his throat like Ludo Bagman projecting his voice, I had to laugh for a second. I wish so bad that it were real. Though that world is not real, I find myself comparing it to our world. There are so many truths, and things to be learned about good and evil. J.K. is a brilliant woman! I am about to start the 7th book right now and get a few chapters in before I go to bed. In a way it makes me a bit sad that I am at the end of my Harry Potter journey. Series are so great! I will just have to find something else intriguing to read next, and someday in the future I will have to snuggle up on the couch with Harry again, and lie there for hours in a world of imagination.