
Growing Up

Life is changing so much lately. We moved to Utah and I am almost graduated. Since we are now in Provo, I decided to walk at graduation before student teaching. I got to be the first class to graduate in the BYU-Idaho center. If you didn't know, that is the new building on campus that has been under construction for the past 3 years. It is the size of the conference center in Salt Lake and is absolutely beautiful. 

It was very fun to feel like I was done with school, then I remembered I still had to do student teaching. . .  I was pretty nervous about it at first. Worried I would not get a cooperating teacher who I saw eye to eye with,  having students who were very hard to deal with, being so busy I couldn't breathe. Well I am happy to say I LOVE it! my cooperating teacher is amazing! I absolutely love her! She is such a wonderful mentor for me and I am learning so much from her. The students that I was worried about, Love them also. They are so smart, so cute, and so funny. I am going to be so sad when I have to leave. A couple of precious boys in my class told me the other day that I should try to get a job in 5th grade at the school so I can be their teacher next year. The time thing that I was worried about. . . yes that i still something that is hard. I am so tired every night I could fall asleep at 8, but it is so worth it! I feel so good the days I am prepared for everything. 

So for those graduation pics. 
This is my grandma and grandpa Horman. (my dad's parents) 
 This is my dad
 And these are two of my sisters. (Melissa and Mallory) 
 And of course my wonderful, handsome husband Cory Lane 

 Ah yeah! College grad baby. . .  well in April 
 This is my step dad James and my mom

I love my family and I am so lucky that they support me like they do. I miss them so bad right now. I haven't seen them for about a month and a half now. I know that is not long for a lot of other people, but I am super close to my family. I have never lived far away (4 hours I know I'm a baby!) and not been able to see them when every I want. I went to college 30 minutes away from my family, so I saw them all the time. Miss you guys, so excited to see you next weekend!