

I can't believe it is already mid January! Usually Januarys drag their feet and never seem to end, but this year we are so super busy I cant get it to stay. Christmas was so fun, and it still seems like yesterday. We went to Arizona with Cory's family, and had a blast in the warmish weather. Though I did miss my family this year. It was the first Christmas I have not seen them. Cory got me a new camera for Christmas so hopefully I can be a more dedicated blogger with all of the fabulous pictures it takes. School has also begun for both of us, and it is a bit stressful. I am doing my student teaching in Draper, UT in a 4th grade classroom. I am loving it so much! My cooperating teacher and students are fabulous! Cory is two weeks into school, and kind of dying. . . poor guy, I feel a bit guilty that I am almost done with school. Well here are some of those fabulous pictures I was telling you about.

This is the view from our bedroom at the house we stayed in over Christmas break. 

Here is a pretty sun set in AZ, by the way this year was my first  Christmas
without snow. 

Adorable little niece Mis Rose, too bad there is a glare. She loved the windows
in the house. 

This is my Cory Lane holding our niece Bella. She just woke up from a nap, 
and he was the cutest uncle to take care of her.

Here are the nieces Crissy and Bella waiting for their lunch. . .  and naked Cinderella Barbie. 

Oh man we made the best lunch ever this day, they were pizza balls. Recipe found here

All of the girls were so cute playing together. Crissy and Brinley playing dolls. 

See how cute they are! 

They also had fun playing under the bar chairs. 

And here is my sister Melissa and Niece Sammy, they came to visit us in 
our new house in Provo. Funny video of Sammy to come!