
October Gone Already!

Cory's delicious Oreo ice cream cake! 
Adorable little Sammy right after we cleaned the hand full of whip cream off of her, she has quick sneaky little hands! 
Delicious peach fruit leather in the making, Yummy! 
This one is last year's pumpkin, but the timing is right. We threw our pumpkin away already this year because it was on on one of the tables for our ward party. . . enough said. 

October went by so fast! Cory's day of birth was on the 1st and it seems like yesterday. I absolutely love fall and it is freezing into winter way too fast for my liking. I love the fall colors, the fall cents, the cookies, the hot cocoa, carving pumpkins, and so many more things but especially Thanksgiving! I also really love Christmas so that is the next thing to look forward to. I am pretty sad that we will be moving in December because I won't set up our tree this year :( I love our tree it is so cute! Also we will be in Arizona for Christmas this year, that will be interesting, my first Christmas without snow.  We have been so busy. I swear the only thing I have been thinking about is that I still have nowhere to live in Provo. We are moving in December.  There is one potential prospect. We were the 3rd people to respond to a Craigslist post that was online for 1 day. It is a super cute condo that is really nice and affordable, and super close to campus. We are waiting to see if there is still a chance for us. The manager is going in the order he received the applications. So I am praying that it doesn't work out for the other two people ;) We have both been super busy with school this month, so there has not been too much time for blogging. I registered for student teaching today, so it is official, Next semester is my LAST semester of school!! I am excited beyond words. We have been trying to spend as much time with family as possible with our families before we move, we will miss them so much. I have been privileged to see a lot of my little niece Sammy who is seriously the cutest thing! I love her to death. We will miss our parents and my siblings, and of course everyone else we will be leaving like grandparents. I know it is only 4 hours away, but you have to realize I have only lived outside of Idaho once in my life and it was only for one summer, I am kind of a baby. I have a bunch of pictures to post, but my camera is not cooperating. . .  so next time. Oh I think I just got it to work. So here are some pictures of the adventures over the last few months.