

Ok so I have had at least 3 people try to scam me on Craigslist. I am so sick of it! I think i have finally found the perfect place to live after hours and weeks and months of searching, so I email the person who posted the perfect place on craigslist. Come to find out it is some guy in Nygeria who says I have to send him $1400 and he will mail me the keys and documentation. Or another guy who says I have to fill out a credit check and give him all of my personal information before he will give me his phone number or the address to the place because last time it got vandalized. SO ANNOYING! So to all of those scam artists out there, GET A REAL JOB I HATE YOU! And hello have you ever googled yourself? other people posted the same email that you sent to me.  Anyway now that I ranted I feel a bit better. I do love my life ha I swear, I just hate trying to find somewhere to live.

Enough complaining, here are some good things in my life. I have the most wonderful husband in the world! He did all of our dishes last night because I was too tired and lazy :) Also I bought Catching Fire and Mocking Jay so I can finish the Hunger Games series. I was actually reading last night, that is why he did the dishes instead of me. I read the first book about 3 weeks ago and then I couldn't find the other two in Rexburg. I went to Sam's Club last night and they had both! They are so good. Another great thing is that Thanksgiving is coming up! I love thanksgiving. Also school is flying by so that means only 5 more weeks of my college career and then I am DONE! Well not technically, if you count student teaching, but i surely do not. I won't even be on campus for it, and I am walking at graduation in December.