
So We Found A Place To Live!!!

We are no longer going to be homeless in a month. This past weekend I went to Utah with my in-laws. My nephew Bowen was blessed on Sunday. Cory couldn't go because he had 2 tests to take this weekend. It was about an hour before we were leaving, and I found a post on craigslist. It sounded great and had everything I have been looking for. So skeptically (you would know from my previous post) I emailed the person. I left my phone number because I would not be by a computer anytime soon. The sweetest girl named Melissa called me back within the hour. We went and saw the place Saturday, signed a contract Monday and we are good to go. I can't believe how seamlessly everything worked out. Obviously I need to be more patient, because there is a bigger picture and a plan for us. So we will be moving out the weekend of graduation, which will be interesting, and moving in the following Monday. If you didn't catch that, I'm GRADUATING! :) excited beyond words. If you would like to see our new place click here. It is a little town house, the brick. . .  (foe brick :) one on the end closest to you.